Do you need to be an expert?

Why it’s not mandatory to have a certificate

Sveta K
1 min readOct 21, 2021

More than a year ago I applied for a visa. It was an interesting process and I had to prove that I met criteria professionally.

I was so disappointed when I got a response. I found that while I was scored OK for other metrics, I was told that I didn’t prove my expertise with certificates.

I was not sad. I was smashed and shocked. After an hour it became funny that in 2020 we still needed paper (or digital) proof of knowledge. It looks nonsensical to me.

Attendance does not guarantees knowledge. And expertise could be gain without attending regular courses.

I know plenty of self-made professionals who created their unique system of upgrading themselves. I have done the same. Ebooks, free courses, YT, blogs, business trainings, webinars and, of course, talks with folks who have practiced for some time and, of course, your own trials and experience.

Those who sell certificates have their sales pitch and it’s their job to convince you to buy one. Don’t be gullible. Look at the core. If a book or a course adds value and power to you as a professional, it’s awesome! This is already a lot, don’t be trapped by endless certificate game.



Sveta K

I believe in your superpower. Drive life in your terms — contact me IG @svetakasveta